About Us

We’re on a mission to build more equitable and accessible markets

About Us

We’re on a mission to build more equitable and accessible markets

About Us

We’re on a mission to build more equitable and accessible markets

About Us

We’re on a mission to build more equitable and accessible markets

About Us

We’re on a mission to build more equitable and accessible markets

About Us

We’re on a mission to build more equitable and accessible markets

Why we exist

Fixed income is the most traded asset class in the world. For centuries, fixed income has been a core part of the global economy — it allows companies to invest in their growth, cities to build infrastructure and schools, and individuals to purchase cars and homes.

The fixed income markets are evolving rapidly. Ten years ago, less than 5% of corporate bonds traded electronically. Now, almost half of corporate bond trading volume is electronic, and electronic trading is also beginning to permeate less liquid fixed income asset classes.

But with electronification comes complexity. Fixed income trading venues and trading protocols have proliferated, making the task of integrating fixed income into existing trading systems ever more complex. The regulatory landscape has also evolved, with increased SEC scrutiny on ensuring best execution in the fragmented fixed income market.

That’s where Moment comes in.

Our goal is to deliver modern, best-in-class fixed income solutions to the new age investor — ultimately making markets more equitable and accessible. We strive to move fast and innovate, transforming fixed income into a modern financial market.

Our goal is to deliver modern, best-in-class fixed income solutions to investors — ultimately making markets more equitable and accessible. We strive to move fast and innovate, transforming fixed income into a modern financial market.

Customers we serve

We have a focus on serving digital platforms that want to work with best-in-class modern tools. If that’s you, please reach out to us.

Client AUM





Customer accounts


Client AUM


Client brokerage accounts


Who we are

Moment is an infrastructure-first company. We bring together decades of experience from the world’s best trading shops, technology companies, and professional services firms.

Our Investors

Moment has raised over $20M from leading institutional investors

Want to make capital markets more accessible?

At Moment, we believe in giving everyone an opportunity to build the future. Come work with us.

Want to make capital markets more accessible?

At Moment, we believe in giving everyone an opportunity to build the future. Come work with us.

Want to make capital markets more accessible?

At Moment, we believe in giving everyone an opportunity to build the future. Come work with us.

Want to make capital markets more accessible?

At Moment, we believe in giving everyone an opportunity to build the future. Come work with us.

Want to make capital markets more accessible?

At Moment, we believe in giving everyone an opportunity to build the future. Come work with us.

Want to make capital markets more accessible?

At Moment, we believe in giving everyone an opportunity to build the future. Come work with us.